Providing Partners and customers with a command line interface to enable automation of packaging to MSIX.

appCURE Simplifying app transformation
appCURE simplifies the transformation of applications quickly and securely using the appCURE CLI
Applications are converted on your environment either in the cloud or on premises.
You can have a single or multiple instances to enable conversion of hundreds of applications per hour,
Convert from multiple formats
appCURE’s CLI solution offers the full automation to convert from .exe, MSI & APP-V formats to MSIX and app attach at the same time on seperated machines.
Scripted Actions
Full command line tooling without the requirement of automation tooling.
Full documented commands that can be used natively or with powershell.
The gateway to AI
appCURE’s CLI offers the gateway to adding application transformation to your AI solution.
appCURE is the only solution to enable the volume required for your future AI project.
appCURE CLI high level diagram
appCURE delivers the ability to rapidly convert applications, create CI/CD pipelines and offer the ability to deliver mass conversion to MSIX.